The Three Tenets of Our Success


iHRO is committed to providing high-quality work products to our customers. Our employees work productively to complete their activities on time. We use technical value using culture and leadership style training to prepare our staff to complete your project efficiently. This includes managing the project to schedule with open collaboration methods. We embrace value delivery in both internal and external environments.


We are deeply committed to producing quality products on time and budget. We understand that the business environment requires discipline and dedication to complete all business objectives. To this end, iHRO judges its success by requiring a highly disciplined process to meet our goal of bringing each task to fruition using measurable tools to demonstrate that our product is tailored to meet your expectations. We embrace the project management principles of responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty.


Our staff is experienced in technology, management, and execution of our client’s vision. We are committed to hiring the best staff for your initiatives. Additionally, we team with other firms to ensure every measure of your business needs results in success. Key personnel are assigned to every project we provide, and constant communication will highlight our work.

Would you like to work with us?​

See what we can do for your business.

Meet Our Leadership

Seth Robbins
Seth Robbins
President & CEO

CC Miller
CC Miller
Chief Financial Officer

Scott Teal
Scott Teal
Chief Operations Officer

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